

0-17 years old


18-39 years old


40-64 years old


65+ years old


Employer Pricing

Discounted group pricing plans are available for employers looking to provide DPC as an employment benefit. Please contact our office to discuss further.

* With enrollment of a parent/guardian.

Prices are in US Dollars. Membership fees are also payable in Bitcoin and 1200px-ethereum-icon-purple-svg_-8430488Ethereum.

There is no enrollment fee. We do ask that new members pay for the first 3 months up front and then payments may be made monthly thereafter.

We are continually working to reduce the negotiated costs of imaging, labs and wholesale medications that we provide. Current prices available to us for these outside services will be reviewed in detail at your initial consultation. We are confident that you will be pleased with current cash prices as they are lower than insurance copays in many cases.

What’s Included In My Membership?

A different healthcare experience.

Agora Health provides true care for our patients. We have a holistic approach to healthcare, so we take the time to get to know you – mind, body, and soul.

  • In-depth annual checkups and well visits
  • 24/7 access to your doctor via text, phone, or email
  • Preventative & holistic care
  • Employment and sports physical exams
  • Behavior & lifestyle coaching
  • Stress management coaching

Access to preventative, complementary, and alternative healthcare.

Without the need for health insurance approval, we can focus on being proactive with your healthcare. We can provide testing, procedures, and even alternative care options.

  • Diagnosis of acute and chronic medical conditions
  • Management of chronic conditions
    Alternative chronic pain management
  • Evidence-based herbal supplement recommendations
  • Acudetox, acupuncture following the NADA protocol

Affordable prescriptions filled on-site.

We provide common prescriptions to our patients at their wholesale costs. By making preventative prescriptions affordable, we hope to prevent future health problems for our members.

Agora Health – Direct Primary Care will rarely prescribe medications with high potentials for addiction and abuse, such as narcotic pain medications, benzodiazepines, and stimulants. We recognize the value of these medications in certain circumstances, but we won’t use them for patients with chronic conditions. If you’re already using these to handle a chronic condition, we’ll work with you to find an effective alternative.


When we can’t directly help you with a healthcare need, we’ll help you find accessible care elsewhere. We’re happy to recommend specialists and outside testing options when necessary. Our members may also benefit from reduced pricing from some practices with a referral from Agora Health – Direct Primary Care.

  • Recommendations to affordable specialists
  • Access to affordable off-site imaging or testing when necessary
  • Help finding high deductible catastrophic health insurance
  • Assistance navigating the health insurance system
  • Guidance following emergency room visits or hospital stays
  • In some cases, guidance in negotiating pricing with outside providers

Included Procedures.

Agora Health invests in the equipment to provide on-site laboratory, diagnostic and imaging tests. Many procedures and exams will be covered by your membership fee. If we do need to charge you, you’ll only pay what it costs us to perform the procedure and the price will be made clear from the start.

  • EKGs
  • Ultrasound imaging
  • Pap smears & women’s wellness testing
  • Blood sugar (blood glucose) testing
  • Peak flow measurement
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Rapid strep, flu, and COVID testing
  • Urinalysis
  • Microscopy
  • Blood draws (phlebotomy)  for send out to labs
  • Breathing tests (spirometry)
  • Skin cancer screening
  • Ear wax removal
  • IUD removal
  • Ultrasound-guided joint injections
  • Nebulizer treatments
  • Skin tag removal
  • Trigger point injections
  • Stitches & wound suturing
  • Casting & splinting
  • Removal of benign lesions
  • Skin biopsies and excision
  • Abscess drainage & care
  • Nail trimming & ingrown nail removal