To our Agora Health Community…

Hello Agora Health Community!  I thought a lot about you all over this last week as I just returned from the “DPC Summit,” which is a national conference of other DPC doctors working to lead healthcare out of the dark ages by creating Direct Primary Care organizations such as ours.  As we have discussed with many of you, DPC is a new and rapidly growing alternative way of providing high quality primary care to our community and our country.  By taking insurance out of the picture, we remove special interests that are not in YOUR best interest. We focus solely on providing high-quality, accessible, personalized healthcare whenever you need it.

The DPC Summit is the annual meeting of many entrepreneur doctors from all across the country to meet and trade ideas, wisdom and practice relevant skills in order to provide better care to our patients and grow this amazing new alternative model for primary care.

Folks it is difficult for me to express on here how nice it was to be around a group of truly happy and inspired doctors who are actively trying to make a difference in their communities and in their patients’ lives.  This is in stark contrast to the cynical, tedious, bureaucratic and frankly depressing atmosphere that pervades other doctor conferences that are still mired in government and corporate insurance based medicine.

I want to take this moment to again thank you all for joining us on this new adventure and I if we haven’t seen or heard from you in a while I would like to encourage you to check in with us and let us know if there is anything we can do for you and your health.   Also, as I have said to many of you, this is an actively evolving healthcare model so if there are services that you wish we offered that you think might be a good fit, please feel free to discuss them with us!  We are always open to talking about this.

Also, please keep an eye out for communications from us via email and the Spruce app for information about new services we will be providing in the coming months (vaccinations and more!) that will save you money and time over the broken insurance based model of healthcare.

Finally, our clinic has been nominated for Ocala Best of the Best competition and we would appreciate your vote in order to win that competition!

If you are happy with what we have been doing and would like to help us grow, please visit this link and register/vote for us!:

And along the same lines, if you are happy with our services we are providing for you, we would very much appreciate 5 star google reviews at the following link:

Jason Pfaffly, MD